martes, 28 de junio de 2011

junio 20 - 24

for me is the moral ethics, how to rationally justify a moral system, and how it is then applied to various fields of social and personal life. In everyday life is a reflection on the moral fact, the rationale for the use of a moral system or another.
Values, attitudes and behavior are related. Values ​​are beliefs or belief that something is better and worthy of appreciation. An attitude is a disposition to act according to certain beliefs, feelings and values. In turn, the attitudes expressed in attitudes and opinions that occur spontaneously

what should teeneagers have to get permission for?
you have to ask permission to be late for your home
also have to ask permission to use the car

private property

 in this Expotec a tachometer manufactured by ourselves also use various electronic components
  Margalla also conducted a series of practices that the workshop reliza

 private property

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